Alarm! Cultural Assault on Unionists!

Risultati immagini per wee ginger dug

These thoughts were inspired by Paul Kavanagh’s post

Being deafened by the “silenced” (Ref below)

From a Unionist point of view, the ‘cultural war’ is  endless, unrelenting and asymmetrical.
In Northern Ireland cultural salvos have replaced real ones in a jockeying for advantage in a war of position and attrition.

Unionists rush to claim victim status.
They’re being victimised and silenced because they no longer can lecture us without push-back. Their definition of democracy is one where they should be allowed to tell us how bad an independent Scotland would be without being challenged”.

Comment: The bullies are complaining the bullied are criticising them

Where did this idea of “cultural assault” come from?

Several sources

  1. Far right  Conservatism.See Michael Gove’s pamphlet “The Price of Peace” in Northern Ireland (Ref below) which Unionism whole-heartedly embraced
  2. Horror that Scots and Irish  could challenge Unionist  belief in being superior and

3.  a longing for the days when Unionists could treat them as things to be seen and not heard

How is the cultural assault playing out?
Well it isn’t really

Unionists are trying to make us feel we are walking on egg-shells

Afraid that anything Nationalists or Republicans  say or do will be used against us

Risultati immagini per walking on eggshells


It’s an attempt to deflect attention from Unionism’s rejection of  equality for Scots and Irish nationalists by portraying Unionism as the victim.

Usually it is dressed up as SNP/Sinn Fein seeking cultural supremacy even though there’s no evidence whatsoever to support this.

Specifically, for  NI Unionists it’s  a means  to deflect away from their rejection of equality for Gaelic speakers,  LGBT people, women’s abortion rights.

It’s  a matter of Unionist perception of what’s in their interests


Risultati immagini per walking on eggshells

       “We hold these truths to be self-evident”

1) Unionists believe they are right and everyone else is wrong.
2) Anyone that contests their point of view is guilty of “ aggression”.
3) Equality and human rights agendas are identified as significant dangers for the continued existence of Britishness in NI.
4) The Royal family and British government are usually silent when Unionists or Loyalists  abuse or misrepresent Royal or British cultural signifiers e.g. the Flag, the Crown,or British values like tolerance, fairplay, live and let live  etc

5) We actually hold a lot of  power  in our votes and  Unionists are afraid of that power.

Risultati immagini per walking on eggshells

PICs and REFs

Click to access 111220142628-thepriceofpeace2000MichaelGove.pdf

Ending ‘truth friction’ in Northern Ireland’s culture war?

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