Whatever you do – say nahim!- The way we were

Tis the Winter season –

Time to stay at home of a cold, snowy evening and enjoy a film!

I liked the name of this film.

And I liked the eye-witness testimony of the Falls Curfew

Which we described here


Confirmation of the eye-witness’s reports of lack of food in the area was the permission granted by the British Army officers in command  to go to the shops.

“Saturday 4 July 1970 The Falls Road curfew continued throughout the day

5.00 pm A British Army officer announced by loudspeaker that people could come out for one hour to secure vital supplies . There were scuffles between British soldiers and locals during that hour and even children did not escape the brutality. An eight-year-old boy had his head split open by a British army baton and was then refused permission to be taken out of the area for badly needed medical attention.”

Opinions on  the film vary

What a fantastic documentary. What we Irish had to put up with. Ending was superb and so poetic“.

“A great documentary and chilling to the bone

Something not right about this documentary, actors perhaps?”

What a fragmented, badly scripted documentary. Why could they not just shoot in chronological order instead of going back and forth with the timeline. Pointless!

Which means it should be thought-provoking or an arty-farty pseudo avant-guardish sorta production!

Make up your own minds!